Pro Clima Solitex Fronta Quattro
Plain black UV resistant windtight breather membrane
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Plain black UV resistant windtight breather membrane
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Pro Clima Solitex Fronta Quattro is a windtight external breather membrane for walls where open jointed cladding will be installed. The plain black non-printed surface provides a pleasing appearance when visible through open cladding. The membrane is extremely stable when exposed to UV and radiant heat from the sun. It can be left exposed during construction for up to 6 months on walls before cladding is installed or as a temporary roof covering before using it on the walls.
Solitex Fronta Quattro is typically used externally over timber frame walls. It may also be used over external wood fibre insulation on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) walls. The surface is free of any printed lettering and branding so is ideal for installation behind open jointed cladding; where it would be visible through the gaps.
Solitex Fronta Quattro is compatible with open jointed cladding with gaps of up to 35mm. Each piece of the cladding must also be at least three times wider than the gap. The ventilation space between the membrane and the cladding must be at least 20mm.
Solitex Fronta Quattro is extremely robust with a thicker and heavier weight top layer (than Solitex Fronta WA) to offer maximum protection against driving rain, heat from the sun and UV. This is especially importance when used with open jointed cladding systems.
The membrane is fully windtight and breathable. It has a non-porous monolithic TEEE membrane to allow a high degree of outward drying of the building, maximum aging resistance and excellent thermal stability.
Solitex Fronta Quattro can be left exposed to UV and the weather for up to 6 months during the construction phase. Cladding should always be installed. The membrane is not suitable for areas that are permanently exposed to UV or where water collects and runs off repeatedly while being exposed to UV.
Tescon Invis airtight tape should be used for sealing overlaps. This tape is also fully black and UV resistant. It was also specifically designed for use behind open jointed cladding.
Solitex Fronta Quattro’s monolithic membrane means water vapour passes through the membrane via diffusion rather than requiring air movement or draughts to transport vapour through tiny holes in the membrane. Structural damage from condensation is a significant risk when an inferior microporous breather membrane is used instead.
The top surfaceof Solitex Fronta Quattro has a guide for taping and cutting printed along its edge. This will always be covered up by tape when installed. Use Tescon Invis airtight tape, which is entirely black, so the tape cannot be seen through the gaps in the cladding.
Sd value of just 0.05m makes the membrane extremely water vapour permeable.
Pro Clima provide a limited system warranty, backed-up with public liability insurance, for all airtightness system, roof and wall sealing system and construction products that they supply. A 10-year warranty is provided for these products when correctly installed in combination with approved thermal insulation materials and other Pro Clima system products. When correctly installed in combination with other manufacturers’ products (not made by Pro Clima), a 6-year warranty is provided.
CE labelling: BS EN 13859-2
Moisture vapour diffusion resistance factor (μ): 80 .
Thermal conductivity: 0.17 W/mK
sd-value (humidity variable): 0.03 m to 0.07 m
Temperature Resistance: -40 °C to 100 °C
Roll out the membrane horizontally and fix to the structure with at least 10mm wide and 8mm long galvanised staples. Overlap each length of membrane so any water run-off cannot get behind the membrane. Line up the edges of overlapping membrane with the dotted line to obtain the correct amount of overlap.
Use Tescon Invis airtight tape to seal the overlap. Be careful so as to avoid any wrinkles. Firmly press the tape onto the surface with a Pressfix Tool. For sealing onto rough surfaces or concrete use Orcon F Airtight Adhesive. To seal to a window or door frame use Tescon Profil Airtight Window Tape or Tescon Invis.
Solitex Fronta Quattro must always be installed with its plain black surface facing outwards (towards the environment). This is the weatherproof side.
When installed on walls horizontally, lengths of membrane higher up the wall should overlap on top of membrane lower down and then be taped. This can be achieved by applying the first length of membrane at the bottom of the wall and then working upwards. This prevents water run-off getting behind the membrane and is an additional level of protection against rainwater penetration.