Funcosil SL
Clear, hydrophobising impregnation agent on a silane/siloxane base for limestone
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Clear, hydrophobising impregnation agent on a silane/siloxane base for limestone
This product is not available to buy online. Please contact us for pricing and more information.
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Our stock is primarily shipped by Fastway or via the pallet network depending on the total weight of the order. The delivery method will be automatically assigned and priced at checkout. All delivery prices include VAT.
AppearanceClear, liquid
Density (20°C)Approx. 0.78 g/cm³
Flash point> 30 °C
Runout time s in DIN 2 cupApprox. 44
Active ingredientSilane/siloxane
Active ingredient content, % by massApprox. 7
Carrier materialDearomatised hydrocarbons
The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.