Pro Clima Compego
Low-cost multi-purpose and highly flexible airtight tape
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Low-cost multi-purpose and highly flexible airtight tape
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Compego is a flexible elastic tape with high adhesion strength. It is primarily used to seal joints and overlaps on smooth shiny surfaces such as polyethene vapour barriers , damp proof membranes, airtight boards like Finsa VapourStop and joints on foil faced insulation boards. It offers a lower cost and competitively priced airtight tape for general use on these types of materials.
Compego will stick perfectly to smooth shiny surfaces like those found on polythene membranes, DPMs (at sub-floor level), vapour barriers and wood-based boards such as Finsa VapourStop, Elka Strong Board, OSB and ply. It will also stick perfectly to all Pro Clima membranes, hard plastics such as uPVC, metal, planed or painted timber and foil-faced insulation boards.
Compego has a high vapour resistance and Provides a robust yet flexible airtight seal at critical junctions and overlaps; especially when sealing vapour resistant materials or materials with a shiny surface.
It is a perfect partner to Constivap 2.3 Plus airtight vapour check membrane. Constivap sealed with Compego offers contractors an economical and value-for-money airtight sealing solution.
Because it is such a stretchy and malleable tape it can seal around pipes, cables and ductwork to form a fully airtight seal; ideal for retrofit projects where pipe and cable grommets cannot be used.
Compego is a super elastic and cost-effective solution for airtight sealing. In three different widths, it is versatile with many different uses. It offers fantastic high-tack stick to surfaces and once fully pressurised into the substrate, creates a robust long-term airtight seal.
Compego is available in 60mm, 100mm and 150mm widths. The 60mm width is ideal of overlaps and straight-forward joints and connections. It is also the ideal width for sealing around penetrations such as pipes, cables and ducting. The 100mm and 150mm wide Compego tapes have two release papers on the back, so they make sealing wider gaps, corners, and joints between different types of materials much easier.
It is an ideal tape for retrofit where Compego can be used to seal around pipes, cables and ductwork. It is a malleable tape that can be shaped around these service penetrations and form a fully airtight seal without needing Roflex or Kaflex grommets or additional tapes suitable for sealing penetrations.
The acrylate contact adhesive glue technology utilised within Compego ensures reliable adhesion to surfaces which may be difficult to seal due to the substrate’s exceptional smoothness (i.e. shiny with low surface tension).
Maximum exposure time to UV & weather (during construction): 6 months
Application temperature (minimum): -10 °C
Temperature Resistance: -40 °C to 90 °C
The surfaces must be clean, free of dust and debris, dirt, grease or silicone before installation begins.
Cut the Compego to its required length, remove the backing release paper and apply the tape so its adhesive is in full contact with the surface to be sealed and there are no creases or bubbles. Once stuck, ensure the tape is fully pressurised using a Pressfix Tool to ensure the tape’s adhesive forms a full-strength bond with the substrate.
When sealing around pipes, cables or ducts, Compego must be stretched and moulded to follow the shape and contour of the pipe and adhere fully into the corners of the join between pipe and airtight layer; there should be no creases or air bubbles or areas that are not in full-contact with either the pipe or air barrier being penetrated. Short lengths of approximately 70-100mm are easier to work with. Fold the tape over so half of it can be adhered to the pipe, then stretch the remaining tape to the other surface. Each strip should overlap the previous one by 30mm. On larger diameter pipes or ducts longer lengths can be applied. The tape should then be pressurised with a Pressfix Tool. Carefully use the Pressfix to press the tape into every corner to achieve full contact all over.
When using the 100mm or 150mm wide tapes, the installation is the same except one release strip should be removed at a time. After removing the first release strip, the tape should be initially positioned so it makes full contact with the surface and pressurised with a Pressfix Tool then, the remaining release strip can be removed and pressed firmly with the Pressfix Tool.
We suggest cutting the Compego into arm’s length strips when applying it. Always use the Pressfix tool to pressurise the tape onto the surface and deep into all corners being sealed.