Lafarge Tector Natural Finish
Tector Natural Finish is a dry mixed natural hydraulic lime render and mortar.
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Tector Natural Finish is a dry mixed natural hydraulic lime render and mortar.
This product is not available to buy online. Please contact us for pricing and more information.
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La Farge Tector Natural Finish is a dry mixed natural hydraulic lime mortar for plastering, pointing and building. Manufactured by La Farge and sold in 25kg bags, Tector Natural Finish is perfect for restoration work as well as new build constructions.
Tector Natural Finish can be used as a base and top coat render for internal and external use onto substrates such as brick, block, stone and masonry. You can apply layers of up to 4-9mm when plastering/rendering. You can achieve multiple finishes with this product including a smooth finish or sponged finish.
Tector Natural Finish is suitable as a finish coat as part of the Tector Natural System with a base coat of Tector® Natural Base.
Tector Natural Base is white in colour with an aggregate range of <1.5mm.
This product can be used both manually or mechanically through a spraying machine. It works through PFT machines as well as larger diesel machines such as the Putmesiter.
As this product is a natural hydraulic lime (NHL) mortar, it sets under the presence of water. The 25kg paper bags need to be kept dry, as if the product comes in contact with water it will start to set. If the product is stored under dry conditions it has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture.
As with all lime mortars, we would advise wetting down the background prior to using Tector Natural Finish. It is important to protect the mortar while curing from direct sun and also frost. Hessian sheeting should be used to protect the mortar/render.